Which Browsers are Supported?


Internet Explorer?  Yep – every version of IE that Microsoft supports.

Google Chrome?  Absolutely.

Firefox?  Heck yes!

Safari?  You bet. On Windows, iPads, iPhones, and Macs.

Opera?  Of course!

Midori?  Yes (and we did check!)

Seamonkey?  Wow – it's still around, still supported, and works great with Remote Link.

Lynx?  Yes – although the graphics display about as well as you would expect from a console-only, text-only browser 

Websites that require – or even sites “are best seen” with a specific browser break the web. These sites (and the people who peddle such snake-oil) want to lock you into resources that will only benefit the purveyors of such drivel.

Remote Link has always been, and will always be platform independent to the end user. If something does not display or function correctly in a specific browser: IT'S A BUG – FULL STOP.