Estimate Extra Selection

The Extra drop-down box is populated with the list of estimate extra codes.  You can type in or select a code to use.

The option for <Select> appears at the top of the list.  Click on that to open the Select Estimate Extras window:


The Select Estimate Extras window can also be opened by typing a '<' character into the Extra input or by double-clicking on the Extra input.

All estimate extras appear on this screen.  Those already associated with the item will be on the Included (right) side, the rest will be on the Not Included (left) side.

The MHrs column shows the amount of labor time that will be added to the item if that estimate extra is included.  To override that labor amount, right-click on the MHrs column of any estimate extra that has been moved to the included side and select Set Manual Override.  For more information on manual overrides see:  Estimating - Manual Overrides

The quantity of each included estimate extra may be increased individually. Click to highlight an estimate extra in the Included side of the list and change the quantity in the box to the top right.   When completed with the selections and quantity updates, click OK to add the included estimate extras to the item and return to the Estimating window.

When more than one code has been selected, they appear in the Extra input separated by semi-colons.  When the quantity is set greater than 1, then after the code will be a colon followed by the quantity.  In this example the CAM, G1, and SP Cut estimate extras have been included.  The quantity of the SP Cut estimate extra has been increased to 2, so the Extra input shows as:

Multiple estimate extras can be applied to the item by typing them in with this format directly in the extra input field.