5. ProNest 2019 Inventory Import

Import Inventory from ProNest

On occasion, when first beginning to use the integration from EPM to ProNest, or when some nesting has been performed in ProNest outside of the integration, ProNest may contain inventory and remnants that did not originate through the integration. Follow these steps to bring that inventory in to EPM and make it available to the integration for use in nesting.

Export Inventory From ProNest

  1. From ProNest, open the Plate Inventory.
  2. Select plates to import to EPM (plates not selected will not be included).
  3. Choose File→Print.
  4. You'll see a Print Preview-type screen. Click the Save button at the top (diskette image) and select "HTML file...".
  5. Make sure Pictures is set to JPEG and click OK
  6. It will prompt you to save the file. By default, it's called PlateInv.html

Import Inventory to Tekla EPM

    1. Open EPM Inventory, and Choose Inventory->Import->Inventory from HTML from the menu.

    2. Select the file created by ProNest.

      The inventory will be added to EPM and a link created from EPM to ProNest so that this piece can be used in nests. Inventory items that are detected as already present within EPM will be updated, but the quantity will not be decreased.