SICAM/Controlled Automation Integration

Setup FabSuite/SICAM Integration

Setup in FabSuite

To enable the FabSuite/SICAM integration, in FabSuite select "Controlled Automation - SICAM" from Maintenance → Integration Settings.

In the settings window, select the desired Sicam Interface and Sicam Folder:

Setup in SICAM

In SICAM, under the Setup tab select SICAM settings:

Using the right arrow, scroll over to the FabSuite tab and select it:

Check the box to "Allow feedback to FabSuite", and fill out the information in the "Login" box. "Local FabSuite Path:" is the directory for your local FabSuite installation. The other settings are so Sicam can connect to your FabSuite server. 

Once your FabSuite server information is filled in, click the Test Connection button to make sure it's set up correctly:

The rest of the settings depend on your shop preferences. You can use these as a starting point:

Sending a Work Order

A work order is a request for nesting and/or multing that includes the CNC files to be cut, as well as the available and orderable stock on which to nest or mult. To have Sicam perform the Nest or Mult, export your Combining run to Sicam.

  • To create this work order from FabSuite, open Combining from the Combining, Estimating, Production Control Requisition or Purchase Order Modules. Then Choose "Combine" from the Module drop-down menu. Here it is shown from Production Control.

  • Choose "Nest" then click "Optimizations" on the bottom left of the Filters screen.
  • Set the Plate Nesting Software (on the Plate Nesting tab) to "Sicam".
  • When the Combining run is created, all parts will show as "Not Combined".

  • Save the combining run if desired. 

  • Export these parts, and the stock available for combining to Sicam by choosing "Combining Run"->"Export Parts for Nesting"->"Export Direct to Sicam"

The following is an example workflow in Sicam illustrating the basics of creating a nest.

In Sicam, expand "SICAM . . . " and "Quarantined FabSuite (New)". Right-click on "Nests" and select "Create Nest":

In the "SelectFabsuitePlateDlg" window, select your Machine and verify the plate thickness and that FabSuite has provided the plate from inventory, then click "OK".

Click the "Auto Nest"  button:

And click "Auto Nest":

Once your nest is created you have the option to add a crop to create a remnant:

Use the drawing tools in Sicam to specify the shape of the remnant that will be sent to FabSuite:

When you close your nest you will be prompted to save it:

Once it's saved, right-click on the "File Creation ID . . ." and select "Approved" then "Check in FabSuite Item":