Shipping Route Properties

Shipping Route Properties



  • Shipping Route Description - Title of the shipping route, must be unique among the shipping routes.
  • Join with Assembly Option - When the shipping route is assigned to an accessory part with the accessory load tracking option checked this field is used to determine if/when the weight of the accessory should be included in the shipping weight of the assembly.  If the Jobsite destination is in the shipping route then this option must be set to None, since the accessory will have already been shipped to the jobsite.        
    • None - The weight of the accessory is not included in the shipping weight of the assembly.
    • Join with assembly for first destination - The weight of the accessory is included in the shipping weight of the assembly for all of it's destinations.
    • Join with assembly for... - When this option is selected you must also select a 'Join with Assembly For' destination.  The weight of the accessory is included in the shipping weight of the assembly for that destination and any that come after.
    • Join with assembly after... - When this option is selected you must also select a 'Join with Assembly After' destination.  The weight of the accessory is included in the shipping weight of the assembly for any destinations that come after that selected destination.

A shipping route can have any number of destinations.  It is permissible to have a shipping route with no destinations.

If the Jobsite destination is present then it will always be the last destination.

  • Add - Opens the destination properties screen in insert mode to add a new destination to the shipping route.
  • Properties - Opens the destination properties screen in edit mode.
  • Delete - Removes the selected destination from the shipping route.
  • Move Up - Moves the selected destination one step earlier in the shipping route.  Disabled when the Jobsite is selected (since the jobsite must be last) and when there is no earlier destination in the route.
  • Move Down - Moves the selected destination one step later in the shipping route.  Disabled when there are no destinations later in the route and when the only destination later in the route is the Jobsite.
  • Save Route - Saves the shipping route details.

Shipping Route Destination Properties


  • Destination Group - Used to identify the work being performed at this destination.  This is used to determine the destinations that are still remaining to be completed if the shipping route is changed or if a part is assigned to a different shipping route after shipping has begun.  Jobsite is always available as the first option.  Any text can be entered here, and after it is used once will appear in the drop-down list for future selections.  Double-click on the input to open a maintenance screen where the options can be explicitly added or removed.


  • Add Firm - Opens a screen to enter the Firm Type and Firm Name to add a firm as available for shipping.  Disabled when the destination group is Jobsite.  When the destination group is anything other than Jobsite then at least one firm must be added.


  • Remove Firm - Removes the selected firm as available for shipping.
  • Set Firm as Primary - One firm must be selected as the primary (unless the destination group is Jobsite in which case there are no firms).  Parts assigned to the shipping route can be shipped on a load bound for any of the firms on this screen.  On the production control reports, and production status screen, and project summary reports the firm set as the primary will have the remaining totals reported against it.
  • Save Destination - Saves the destination details.